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University of Cambridge

October 17-19, 2019

Venue: Newnham College Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DF, UK

Mass migration entails multifaceted economic, political, social, and legal challenges and brings together a diversity of actors (e.g. state institutions, international and transnational organizations, non-governmental organisations, host communities and migrants) with unequal power and divergent priorities and interests. Much of the debate on migration is centred around the notion of ‘crisis’ and around its most visible impacts on the polarization of politics in especially Western countries. Migration as an overall topic has increasingly played a significant role in shaping the present and future of our societies.

This conference is part of a Horizon 2020 project, RESPOND: Multilevel Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and Beyond, which aims to study the governance of recent mass migration and its implications for the EU, its Member States and third countries at macro (transnational, national), meso (subnational/local) and micro-levels (refugees/migrants). RESPOND is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme for the duration of 36 months (2017-2020) – Grant Agreement no. 770654.

keynote speakers

Prof. Dawn Chatty (Emerita Professor of Anthropology and Forced Migration, Former director of the Oxford Refugee Studies Centre).

Prof. Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska (Profesor in Psychology of Religion, Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

Prof. Mario Savino (Professor of Administrative Law, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy)

Prof. Peter Scholten (Professor Public Administration specialised in the Dynamics of Migration and Diversity Policies, at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam)

Organization committee

Dr. Naures Atto, Senior Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, PI in H2020–Respond project

Dr. Susan Rottmann, Assistant Professor, Ozyegin University, PI in H2020–Respond project

Dr. Veronica Federico, Senior Lecturer, University of Florence, PI in H2020-Respond project

Soner Barthoma, Respond-Project Coordinator, Uppsala University

Attendance registration

We would be very glad to welcome anyone who would like to attend the conference, but do ask for prior registration. For questions, please contact

Conference Registration link for non-speakers